9:00 - 16.7 mijlen / 33 minuten - 9:33
Initial Point looms out to the desert and presents panoramic views of the Owyhee Mountains and Boise Front. A one-mile gravel road connects to the base of the butte. A short walk up the rocky steep access trail brings visitors to an observation deck. Established in 1867, a US Geological Survey brass marker on the top of this prominent lava butte is the starting survey point in the State of Idaho.
9:33 - 7.8 mijlen / 15 minuten - 9:49
This area provides an access point for guided boat tours every Saturday in May and June. The Snake River cuts an incredible visual canyon, exposing black basalt towering bluffs against pale-colored sediments. For other recreation a footbridge across the dam leads to hiking and mountain biking trails. Sinker Butte, elevation 3,421 feet, offers stunning views of the Snake River Plain and Owyhee Mountains. Trails also follow the Snake River south to Celebration Park.
10:19 - 1.0 mijlen / één minuut - 10:20